Introducing: Spectate Dota

Check it out!

What is it?

It’s a 3-part bot:

1) It spoofs the Steam and Dota2 clients in order to interact with the Steam servers and Dota 2 game coordinator. It does this via the extraordinarily helpful NPM module node-dota2, which is an extension of node-steam, which is a port of the truly wonderful SteamKit2. Deep thanks go out to all the developers who have made all of these libraries both possible and available.

2) It uses an actual Dota2 game client and Open Broadcaster Software, in combination with spoofed input via xdotool, to live-stream whatever match is selected via the spoofed game client from part #1.

3) It uses a node IRC bot (also integrated with part #1) in order to make information about the currently streaming game available to any spectators. Go ahead and try these commands out: they’re !mmr and !players.

I’ll release the code publicly once I’ve had an opportunity to clean it up (and remove any personally identifying information). In the meantime, enjoy!


Let me know!